Bionic Feats: Heavy-Duty Hand Work
Bionic hand technology is improving all the time but it can still be fragile. In these videos, we show you examples of far more rugged use.

Bionic Feats: Tying Shoelaces
Tying shoelaces is a real challenge for bionic hands because it requires significant dexterity. For a hand to truly play its part in this task, it should have good hand speed and the ability to switch grips with ease.

Tom Allred’s Journey to the Blatchford Linx
In this article/interview, I talk with one bilateral above-the-knee amputee’s 60-year journey from wooden sockets to a pair of Blatchford Linx bionic limbs.

Bionic Feats: Conquering Stairs
A few decades ago, going up and down the stairs was an ordeal for lower-limb amputees, even dangerous. These five short videos show how bionic knees and ankles have made this important daily task so much easier!

Bionic Feats: From Wheelchair to Walking
For many centuries, paraplegia often meant confining patients to wheelchairs. This is no longer the case. Bionic exoskeletons are now making it possible for paraplegics to rise from their wheelchairs and reclaim their freedom.

Bionic Feats: Let There Be Music
Some of the amputees playing music in these videos are using bionic devices; others are not. Either way, they’re incredibly inspirational!

The Power of Bionic Limbs to Change Lives
We are entering an era where bionic limbs will eliminate many of the disability aspects of having a limb difference. This post shows some early examples.

Bionic Feats: Challenging Terrain
As lower-limb bionic technologies improve, users naturally want to venture beyond “safe” surfaces and go wherever they want. Here are a few examples of this.

Bionic Feats: Food Preparation
Preparing food is a daily activity that is essential for personal independence. In these videos, we show you various bionic hands hard at work in the kitchen.

NHS Wales Sets Important Precedent for Prosthetic Leg Covers
Beautiful prosthetic leg covers are having such a positive emotional and social impact on lower-limb amputees that they should be free to everyone. NHS Wales just did that.

Excellent New Video Channel by Passionate Prosthetist
David Gray is a passionate prosthetist who also happens to be such a great communicator that we thought we’d introduce you to his YouTube channel.

The Revolution in Prosthetic Aesthetics
There is something transformative happening in the prosthetics industry — a long-overdue awakening among product designers, those with limb differences, and the general public that is helping us take a big step toward a more inclusive society.

Master Innovators in Bionic Limbs
The innovators featured in this post are all accomplished scientists, engineers, and/or inventors. They have all made significant contributions to the advancement of bionic limbs. But what makes them truly special is their passion to improve the lives of those…

Interview with Richard Slusher, Amputee Camp Counselor
An amazing conversation with amputee camp counselor, Richard Slusher. We learned more about limb difference from talking with Richard than we have in nearly a year of hard studying.