Our mission is to help those with physical or neurological disabilities to understand their bionic technology options free of commercial influence.
To do this, we already draw input from manufacturers, scientists, engineers, and patients. But we’ve been missing a key source of information: the clinicians who actively work with the technology and devices that we write about.
Clinical Insights allows these clinicians to share their unique knowledge simply by adding comments to our articles:
Clinical Insights
However, we’re not just asking any clinicians to sign up with us. We’re working only with those who share our belief about the importance of patient education:

It’s probably going to take us a while to perfect this program. Ultimately, we want participating clinicians to share their opinion on both the strengths and weaknesses of each device, and that’s going to take some coaching. We’d also like them to share a few stories about the challenges they’ve encountered in specific cases and the solutions they used to overcome those challenges, as this would be especially helpful to patients in similar circumstances. That’s likely going to require some encouragement.
Still, that’s what patients need, so that’s what we’re going to do.
If you are a clinician and you would like to join our Clinical Insights program, you can apply here.
Wayne Williams
Founder & Content Manager
The Orion Knee is now on its third generation. Technological advancement has made this microprocessor knee sharper and more reactive to the user demands than earlier versions. A recently published study found that the Orion was one of two MPK’s that achieved a clinically significant difference in the reduction of falls. It does this through the utilization of an inertia unit as well as a hydraulic unit to tell how quickly the amputee is moving and to provide adequate support depending on the terrain. The knee is intuitive to use but we strongly recommend physical therapy for gait training during the rehab process. This therapy should follow a weekly schedule and should include an exercise regimen at home. The Orion is not a good solution for patients with ambitions to be in or around water as it is not waterproof. In that case, we’d generally look at the C-Leg, Genium, Plie, or even the Genium X3, depending on the nature of the water activities. It is also not ideal for those with low mobility (i.e. K2 users), where the Kenevo MPK might provide a better solution.
Abe Ellithy, Bionic Prosthetics and Orthotics Group
San Antonio, Texas