Bionic Leg / Foot Articles

A Complete Guide to Bionic Legs & Feet

Everything you need to know about bionic legs, knees, ankles, and feet. Continuously updated, this page is your one-stop repository for all the latest information on lower-limb devices, technologies, and research.

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Bionic Leg Price List

This price list is intended to give potential users a general idea of the price for each microprocessor ankle/foot, knee, and integrated bionic leg currently available on the market.

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Microprocessor Knee Price List

This price list is intended to give potential users a general idea of the price for each microprocessor knee currently available on the market.

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Current Options for Bionic Legs

A complete list of all the main microprocessor ankles, knees, and fully integrated bionic legs currently on the market. Even better? This list and all of its supporting articles are continuously updated.

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Bionic Foot Price List

This price list is intended to give potential users a general idea of the price for each bionic foot currently available on the market.

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Blatchford Elan IC Foot/Ankle

The Blatchford Elan IC has all of the attributes of its sister product, the Elan Microprocessor Foot. But its new induction charging technology allows it to be completely sealed from the elements, making it waterproof.

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