A Complete Guide to Bionic Arms & Hands
Everything you need to know about bionic arms and hands, including all the current devices, technologies, and the latest research. Continuously updated, this page is intended as your one-stop repository for information on upper-limb bionics.

TASKA Hand from TASKA Prosthetics
Rugged, waterproof, and capable of operating in dusty environments, the TASKA is the first bionic hand designed specifically for durability.

Bionic Hand Price List
Our bionic hand price list is intended to give potential users a general idea of the net cash price for a typical below-the-elbow solution involving the bionic hands currently on the market.

MeHand from MaxBionic
MaxBionic’s MeHand appears to exhibit a level of user control, dexterity, and responsiveness found in much more expensive bionic hand systems.

Vincent Partial User Satisfaction Survey
This page contains our User Satisfaction Survey for the Vincent Partial partial bionic hand. If you are currently a Vincent Partial user or have been one previously, please share your experiences in this short survey to help others make more…

COVVI Nexus Hand
The Nexus Hand has quickly become one of the most impressive bionic hands on the market, driven mainly by exceptional engineering principles.

Surgical Techniques That Improve the Use of Bionic Limbs
This document helps amputees monitor all current and future surgical techniques that may improve the use of bionic limbs and/or reduce pain.

ProPlus MC ETD2 User Satisfaction Survey
This page contains our User Satisfaction Survey for Fillauer’s ProPlus MC ETD2. Please share your experiences to help others make informed decisions.

Which Myoelectric Pattern Recognition System is Right for You?
We are entering a period of bionic arm & hand development that is both exciting and potentially confusing. This article is meant to clarify the most recent options for pattern recognition systems.

Ottobock Myo Plus Pattern Recognition
Myo Plus is a myoelectric pattern recognition system proprietary to Ottobock. But it will soon face the same price competition as other PR systems.

IBT Sense Pattern Recognition
IBT’s Sense is another complete, proven, but expensive pattern recognition system that raises a familiar question: is it worth it?

Coapt Engineering Gen2 Pattern Recognition
Coapt Engineering’s Gen2 is a complete, proven, but expensive myoelectric pattern recognition system. The question is: is it worth it?